Investing in New York Cannabis

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted July 19, 2018

He called it the Chameleon Technique.

It was a simple strategy my uncle used to score with the ladies back in the 1960s.

If she was a hippie, I’d bring her gifts of weed and poetry. If she was a Republican, I’d sing the praises of Nixon. I hated whatever she hated, and loved whatever she loved. I was just like a chameleon, changing my colors to suit my needs.

Being disingenuous isn’t something I necessarily applaud. But let’s face it: My uncle didn’t really invent anything new here.

In fact, politicians have been using the Chameleon Technique for years, changing their colors in order to placate the demands of voters and secure their jobs.

As much as I despise this truism, I’d be lying if I said I’ve never used this information to create wealth.


Politicians typically change their minds on issues when one of two things happens:

  • They realize their opposition to a particular issue could cost them their jobs
  • They realize their opposition to a particular issue is keeping their state from making a lot of money

Certainly this was the case with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, who at one time completely opposed the legalization of cannabis.

But he came around after realizing that the majority of voters in Colorado wanted legalization — and would likely hold him accountable if he didn’t adhere to their wishes. In 2014, legalization came to the Centennial State.

Since then, Colorado has generated $770 million in tax revenue and has enjoyed massive job growth.

Don’t think for a second that if these two economic boosters weren’t on the table, legalization would’ve ever happened.

In 2017, the Colorado cannabis industry enjoyed sales in excess of $1.5 billion. That’s billion, with a “B.”

Of course, that’s peanuts compared to what’s about to go down in New York.

Cuomo’s Stock Tip

For more than a decade, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been very vocal about his opposition to legalization.

Calling it a gateway drug, Cuomo had to be dragged kicking and screaming just to get the state to enact even the most modest of medical cannabis programs. But the governor’s tune may be changing, and investors would be wise to pay close attention to how this plays out.

Last week, a new report on the benefits of legalization in New York, which was issued by the state Health Department, found that when it comes to cannabis legalization, the positives clearly outweigh the negatives. This report was actually backed by Cuomo.

So why would a very outspoken prohibitionist back such a report?

Because he now realizes that if he doesn’t back legalization, it could cost him a lot of votes in the next election.

He may not know it, but his actions just gave us a very nice stock tip.

You see, one of Cuomo’s challengers in this year’s election is actor and activist Cynthia Nixon.

Nixon has actually made legalization a top priority in her bid to become governor. And that has resulted in her getting a lot more support than political insiders expected.

It should also be noted that in this recent report, researchers found that if legalization were to be enacted, the state of New York could generate as much as $542.3 million a year in tax revenue.

I don’t care how opposed to legalization Cuomo is; more than a half-billion a year in potential tax revenue serves as excellent motivation to get behind the legalization movement.

Of course, we already saw this coming and have positioned ourselves to take full advantage of legalization in New York. Which, mark my words, is coming in less than a year.

New Buy Alert

I don’t have a crystal ball, and I’m not a political insider.

But I do have a track record of nearly a dozen double-, triple-, and even quadruple-digit gains in the cannabis space, which is all the result of a sophisticated trading algorithm called the S-50 Trigger.

As I mentioned last week, this algorithm works similarly to Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) program, which can accurately predict chess moves to win every game.

Only instead of chess moves, the S-50 Trigger analyzes social, economic, and political patterns that will directly affect a select group of stocks.

Now, last year, the S-50 Trigger alerted me to new developments in New York that suggested legalization would take center stage in 2018. So I shared this information with members of my private Green Chip Stocks investment community.

I also named two stocks that were likely to benefit from legalization in New York. One of those stocks is already up 66.1%, and the other is up 347.3%.

And here’s the kicker…

New York is just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, the S-50 Trigger has just identified the exact date that legalization is set to take hold in three other states. That date is November 6, 2018, and we’ve already identified the stocks to own in anticipation of these new legalization approvals.

You can read more about those stocks and how the S-50 Trigger identified those stocks in this Energy and Capital special buy alert.

Make no mistake: The S-50 Trigger is incredibly accurate, and it has helped me make a ton of money, not just in the cannabis space, but also in biotechs, cryptocurrencies, and energy. And if you don’t believe it, you can see the numbers for yourself, which are all laid out right here.

The bottom line is that four states are set to legalize cannabis this year, and we’re now taking positions in the stocks that are most likely to benefit from these legalization approvals.

I encourage you to do the same.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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